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2016-12-23 19:31:40      来源:紫荆湖北新闻网 特约通讯员 劉發生 劉宇峰       分享:

雄雞報曉新春到    糍粑臘肉香深山
(本刊訊 特約通訊員劉發生、劉宇峰報導)我的家鄉在革命老區西部武陵山區深處的秀山苗嶺山寨,渝東南邊陲,是和湖南、貴州接壤的雞鳴三省地。這裏山川秀麗,物產豐富;民風淳樸,鳥語花香,素有小成都平原美稱。清光緒三十三年(西元1907年),進士出身的秀山知縣張廣楠,為縣署大門題對聯一付:此邦亦號成都,四方雲山開沃野;勝地舊名高秀,一江春水繞邊城。


殺了年豬的寨子裏, 團鄰老少圍在一起, 吃著鍋子裏燉上的熱騰騰的大快豬肉,喝著自家釀的糯米酒, 還有噴香的鼎罐飯,青翠的時鮮疏菜,痛快!



做法也很講究,打糍粑最好是用珍珠圓玉潤“大糯米”,要裝在專用的木桶裏,柴火慢慢燒上兩小時, 糯米膨脹後,粒粒飽滿,而深山中的柴又吸收了大自然的靈氣,與木桶的純味漫漫融合,使得煮出的糯米帶著一股奇異的香味。












 The cock Spring Festival cake fragrant bacon mountains
Taste is strong a copycat
- revolutionary new memory by copycat Xiushan
(this print dispatch special correspondent Liu Fasheng, Liu Yufeng reports) in my hometown in the old revolutionary base areas west of Wuling area in the southeast of Chongqing Xiushan a copycat, border, border and Hunan, Guizhou is the cock in the three provinces to. In this beautiful scenery, rich products; simple folk, known as the small Chengdu plain name birds'twitter and fragrance of flowers. Thirty-three years of the Qing Dynasty (1907 AD), the origin of the Xiushan County Magistrate Zhang Guangnan, County Department of the door problem: this state also a pair of antithetical couplet, Chengdu, four open Woye old Yunshan resort; high river flows around the town show.
Leave home for several years, the most unforgettable is the cock Spring Festival, glutinous rice fragrant bacon mountains "kind of pastoral life like a land of idyllic beauty.
In the dawn of 2017 year, returning to the hometown accent, a family friendship, a new year in Xiushan copycat, especially in the eyes......
Kill the swine to welcome the new year
My mother's home in Xi Xiang, Xiushan Tujia and Miao Autonomous County of filial piety from the beginning of the year, a copycat, every household in the village to raise a few pigs, to prepare for the end of a sacred deities.
Hours at home, often listen to Grandpa grandmother and village elders: the ancient legend Shennong put into wild boar domesticated pigs, to appreciate the nature, return to the gods, especially the concept of night sky, selected a lucky day, pig blood. With hope, look forward to, then the world's legend.
"The twelfth lunar month twenty-six, good day!" the stockade in eight year old Uncle Wang, pulls out that already the Yellow almanac, select auspicious days, then invited ten in eight villages have good craft butcher carpenter.
Get up early, burned a pot full of boiling water.
A yell, already prepared three pro six next door neighbours, Qi Qi battle.
Seven or eight of the young labor force and pig opened posture, finally put the pig down to the ground, but Wang Sanshu was down a pit to run pig's trotters, clutching the green leg call: "Yo, I do not eat meat you ha!" was a large group of hearty laughter.
Kill the pig in the stockade, group and neighbor Wai together, eating hot pot stew in the fast pork, drinking home brewed rice wine, and delicious pot meal, fresh green vegetables, happy!
At nearly noon, Li Shunhe went to the courtyard full of shout a voice: "pig carpenter, drink good Samuel, my pig can't wait!"
"Coming!" butcher carpenter filed cheerfully to the furniture.
Steamed glutinous rice cake
"Yo Ho, yo.....", with a brisk pace, two robust and strong man, the hands of the stick fell on the stone trough. All were in the stone groove is filled with cooked glutinous rice, aroma was mellow thick, overflowing the courtyard.
A scene is in the village of lily.
It is also very important, lily is the best "zhenzhuyuan Yurun glutinous rice, should be installed in special barrels in firewood slowly burned for two hours, glutinous rice after expansion, plump, and the mountains in the wood and absorb the nimbus of the nature, and the long barrel pure fusion, make make glutinous rice with a strange smell.
Our children had to wait in a barrel, around the DC side to be cooked, slobber, grab a hand in there, incense pounding straight, hot air blowing.
The rice is installed in the groove in the stone, hit sticky, villagers with tung oil in the hand, put a huge glutinous rice, squeezed into a citrus size, with two boards a clip, a mellow delicious cake.
Round Runrun is like this day is booming, festive.
Simmer bacon cooking pot
When the smoke is blown by wind spread, the stockade in kill swine old and young alike, they together around a pot in pot stew with wax, wax ribs, sausage, PigHead meat, mouth talking past this year just, brothers, old love, like a pot of stew, flavor.
On the ridge along the river with uncle, give us a swing up into the mountains wild boar thing, and drank a cup of excitement.
"That is hanging, I just enter the boar ridge, saw 10 meters away from me in the bushes, hee hee is like a calf, wild boar, lying in the sun. I aim, is a gun, which was to play in wild ass, it crazy rushed toward me!"
"What, then what do you ask for!".
"How? Must be in his pants?" Three laugh succeeded straight.
"You don't know a few old man: Oh, I see there is a big tree beside, quickly climb the tree was almost wild boar arch over, then, into the mountain people to catch up with the boar away." Full - still a lingering fear.
Put incense burning candle
A copycat many people in Xiushan, animist, ancestral to Qian Zhicheng, Xiangan, burning the candle put what is not.
On holidays, especially for thirty nights, put incense, burning the candle, sincere worship, in the old heart, burning candle years is a very serious thing.
On the thirty to eat big meals, home host will point Year candle, reverently inserted in their own room on both sides of the shrine, ancestor worship, ancestor worship said.
Light years apart from the candle, placed on the deceased ancestor Memorial, and pray to the gods to bless you.
Xiushan Year candle for the traditional craft, making for manual.
General with tung oil as raw material, dye Lithospermum (now to Zhu Hong, will rush for pigment) wrapped in bamboo sticks wick, then pouring molding.
Red candle for years, its size, weight, some weighing 20 to 30 pounds, can burn for several days and nights